вторник, 24 октября 2017 г.


Выучить слова

  1. want to - хотеть
  2. be good at - хорошо уметь делать что-либо, разбираться в чем-либо
  3.  have to - быть должным
  4. can - мочь, уметь
  5. be interested in - быть заинтересованным в 
  6. be fond of - любить 
  7. be afraid of - бояться, опасаться
  8. would like to - хотел бы
  9. need - нуждаться
  10. an opportunity - возможность
  11. a skill - умение, навык
  12. an event - событие, случай, мероприятие

пятница, 20 октября 2017 г.


Dear students! Enjoy this beautiful song and learn the lyrics by heart!

Listen to your heart

I know there's something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
You've built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.

Listen to your heart when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going and I don't know why,
But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye.

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
They're swept away and nothing is what it seems,
The feeling of belonging to your dreams.


And there are voices that want to be heard.
So much to mention but you can't find the words.
The scent of magic, the beauty that's been
When love was wilder than the wind.

вторник, 17 октября 2017 г.



1. Read the article and say in 2-3 serntences what it is about.
Several years ago, a local crafts centre in the village of Strcnki in Rogachev district began to collect ancient stories on how, why and for whom dolls were made. In fact, some were created to protect homes, health, beauty, wealth and luck.
"Protecting dolls had magical significance for our ancestors, serving as mediators between people and the other world," explains Anastasia Povarich, a junior research officer at Gomel's Rumyantsev-Paskevich Park and Palace Ensemble, where the dolls are being exhibited now "Childhood began with dolls, which accompanied people throughout their life."
Most were made by women, who created dolls from early childhood by twisting, bending and tying, without needles or scissors. Each doll was created without a definite face, to avoid evil settling within it, and could be made from natural materials such as twigs, straw, grass or flowers. Children's toys were treated with respect, since they were thought to possess magic powers and to encourage positive energy, bringing a good harvest, wealth and happy marriages. If children spent enough time playing with dolls, there would be enough money in the house while, if children were careless with dolls, troubles might occur.
As a girl grew older, she received a 'Zhelannitsa' doll, which would make dreams come true if a bead* or ribbon was attached. The doll — the performer of the sacred wish was hidden in a secret place. When a young girl was due to marry, a 'Desyatiruchka' doll (assistant with ten hands) was placed in her trunk*, to assist in household routines.
People couldn't do without dolls in their household. All the dolls were honoured in everyday life and during holidays. It was customary for children to make dolls to give as gifts to adults, in this way, children were taught to be thankful. It was also believed that, when making such dolls, children gave part of their soul to them, learning to be tender and kind.
2. The author explains why children's toys had to be treated with respect. Find this extract and read it aloud.
3. What dolls did a girl get?
4. Why did dolls play such an important role in the life of Belarusian people?


1. Read the article and say in 2-3 serntences what it is about.
More and more students at school and university are using the internet to cheat* in their coursework. In Britain, about 25 % of students copy material from the internet when they write their homework. In the USA there is a similar problem. One report showed that about 54 % of students copy from the internet when they prepare for the lessons.
Of course, students rightly use the internet to help them research a topic when they are doing coursework or writing an essay. But some of them also copy and include material from the internet into their own essays without indicating that they are using someone else's work. For example, a student who has to write an essay on Shakespeare can find lots of different essays on particular plays and themes in Shakespeare and copy one of them. So they no longer have to read books in libraries, take notes and plan their own essay.
The internet has certainly helped students to avoid the hard work of writing an original essay, but it is not the only reason why cheating is increasing. In recent years, students' attitudes to school and university have changed. In the past, students had a more idealistic attitude towards a university education. University broadened their minds. Nowadays, a lot of students are more practical in their attitude. They are only interested in passing the exams. They want a degree only to help them get a good job.
Teachers and examiners want to stop cheating in school and university, but they do not agree about how to solve the problem. Some teachers think a student's final grade shouldn't depend on his/her coursework. They think that it is better to have traditional (time-limited) written exams that are held in an examination room. Another way to stop cheating is to have an oral exam at the end of the course. If students cannot answer questions about their coursework, this could indicate that they have cheated. At the same time, the oral exam would give the examiner a better idea of students' real knowledge of the subject.
2. Is cheating becoming a problem in the USA and Britain? Read aloud the extract which says about it.
3. How do students cheat using the internet?
4. Why do students cheat?


1. Read the article and say in 2-3 serntences what it is about.
People often say that our modern way of life, with its individualism and fast speed, has made the world a lonely place. So many of us live and work surrounded by people, but it is hard to find true friendship. The faces we see each day are like pictures in a gallery; the talk that we hear is just sound. Perhaps this is why the websites like 'Facebook', 'Contacts' are so popular these days. They allow people to communicate and even become close without meeting up. It seems that many people's idea of friendship has changed nowadays. But what is friendship?
Aristotle was the first western philosopher to discuss friendship in a detailed way. He said that people who chose to live alone were either like animals or gods. He probably meant that it is natural to want friends. Certainly, people who choose to live without friends are frequently regarded as having problems. We either pity them or else we view them as strange.
Aristotle also said that there are three different categories of friends. In the first category, we arc friends with people because of some advantage that the friendship gives us. In other words, the friendship has a practical value. Friends in this category would include bosses at work or some of our colleagues.
Aristotle's second category of friendship is based on the idea of pleasure. Friends in this category enjoy doing things together and they have a lot of interests in common.
The third category of friendship is the highest form of friendship. In this category, people are friends on a deeper level. The friendship does not depend on anything other than the friends themselves. The relationship is so close that it seems that one soul belongs to two bodies, Aristotle said.
Aristotle also said that close friends must have eaten salt together. In other words, they must have shared some of life's good and bad experiences. Most people today would probably agree that these arc a fundamental part of true friendship.
2. Read aloud the extract which says about the changes in the modern society.
3. What do people think about people who have no friends?
4. What does Aristotle say about the three types of friendship?

понедельник, 16 октября 2017 г.


Слова по UNIT 2 Friendship

naughty- непослушный, капризный, шаловливый; озорной
reliable - надёжный; верный, испытанный
make friends- подружиться
share secrets – делиться секретами
keep secret - держать в секрете
truth - правда; истина, истинность
be there for someone – быть готовым прийти на помощь или утешить
change - менять, изменять; заменять, сменять
generous - великодушный
on the other hand - c другой стороны
however - однако, тем не менее, несмотря на (э)то
what is more - более того
that’s why - вот почему
bring together - соединять
worthwhile - стоящий
trustworthy - заслуживающий доверия
appreciate - оценивать, (высоко) ценить
bear in mind - иметь в виду, помнить
passionate - пылкий, страстный
a chit-chat - болтовня, лёгкая беседа
have in common - иметь что-то общее
hang out - тусоваться
hang around - бродить вокруг; околачиваться, шляться, слоняться
look forward to - ожидать с нетерпением; предвкушать (что-л.)
a blind date - свидание с незнакомым человеком, знакомство/свидание "в слепую"

понедельник, 9 октября 2017 г.


Lesson 4, Ex.2
I: And here’s some advice to school students from a career guide. We’re now going to talk with Jenny Ogden, who works in the Career Advice Service. My first question to Jenny would be: How important is it to choose a right career?
CG: Choosing a career is probably one of the most difficult things in the world. You want to be doing something that you love for the rest of your life. If you choose the wrong career, you might probably end up in a dead end job which you hate and which results in a miserable life.
I: What would you start with if you were to choose a job?
CG: The first step would be to create a list of things that you like to do. For example, you can list down your hobbies or interests that you have been doing or would like to know about doing. For the list of hobbies or interests, you can put something like ‘I am good with numbers’, ‘I am a nature lover’, ‘I am a technology enthusiast’, ‘I love to sing’, ‘I enjoy cooking, cars,’ etc. You might also think back to your childhood. Your early years might be the best place to start. Assess your abilities. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What kind of skills do you have? You can try to come up with something that you are good at doing such as cooking or public speaking. If you have trouble coming up with ideas, take some time to rest or walk in the park. While relaxing yourself, you may think of something like, ‘I’m good at pet sitting’ or ‘I make delicious cookies’. Write down these ideas onto a piece of paper. 
I: Well, what would the next step be?                           
CG: When you have the list of ideas that you like to be doing, try to brainstorm several jobs that might be related to food. For example, chefs, cooks, food specialists, kitchen helpers or even chemists are all professions that are related to cooking and food. If you wanted to be the president of your country as a child, you could look for government jobs or social sector careers. The possibilities are endless. For instance, if you ever dreamed of becoming a movie star and walking down the red carpet, check out a career in media, the entertainment industry or public relations.
I: How relevant is school experience in choosing a career?
CG: Extremely relevant! You can begin by looking at the courses you are taking in high school. What are your best subjects? What kinds of extracurricular activities do you participate in? What kinds of things did you learn from part-time or summer jobs? There must be at least one class that stands out above the rest. If you love history, art or archaeology, check out a museum job. There are more options out there than you may think – even if you don’t want to take tour groups around a museum, you could work on their marketing or manage the museum’s finances. If history wasn’t your thing, maybe your favourite course was in psychology. Or try thinking about jobs with some elements of the psychology field. You may find that you are a people person or enjoy helping others, so jobs in customer service, sales or teaching may be the answer to your happiness. By going one step further and thinking about why you have a passion for genetics or sociological theory, you will be able to find a career that suits your interests.
I: So you’ve got a list of jobs. What do you do then?
CG: Now, assess these professions. You can gather information such as job descriptions, salary, education requirements, necessary experience, work related hazards, etc. Moreover, you can interview others who are already in the professions and visit the library for additional resources as well as searching the internet for relevant information. Think what is important for you in a job: helping society, working under pressure, group affiliation, stability, security, status, working alone or with groups, having a positive impact on others, and many others.  Doing all these will put you in a much better position for choosing your future careers.
I: If you were choosing a job, would you do a career assessment test?
CG: You can try some of the free career assessment tests. Career assessment test is one of the popular methods of giving you an idea of what you are good at and what you like to do when it comes to choosing a career. If you have the money, seek a careers coach or guide for ideas. These professionals are experts in career assessment. They are able to point you in the right careers direction after assessing key areas which you are good at. You can also get free advice from parents, teachers, friends or relatives. But remember that parents’ opinions are sometimes biased. Most of the time, parents would say the financial aspect is very important when it comes to choosing a career. As a result, the careers that they prefer might not be the one that fit you the best. Keep in mind that simply choosing a career because it pays well will not make you happy.
I: Are there any other options?
CG: You can apply for a summer job in a company that specializes in the area of your interest. This job may later become a temporary position which will give you added experience. And don’t forget to do the reality check. Do you really want to be a doctor, but don’t have enough skills in science? Do you have a strong interest in the arts, but your family members want you to follow in your father’s footsteps? It is important to face these problems and be realistic about whether you can solve them.
I: So, choosing a career is a hard task that a lot of people have difficulty in doing. It takes time to determine the career that matches your interest. Simply choosing a career that pays the most won’t keep you happy. Thank you, Jenny. I’m sure our listeners will follow your advice.
CG: You’re welcome. I wish I were able to help everyone to choose a right career, but a lot depends upon you as well. Listen to yourself and work hard to achieve your goals. Good luck! 

четверг, 5 октября 2017 г.


Перейдите по ссылкам и выполните предложенные задания:

1) Чтение текста: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading-skills-practice/friendship-quiz
2) Аудирование: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/stop-wasting-time

Choosing a career [kə'rɪə]

   As you know, our modern world makes a person be flexible and mobile, creative and inventive. Modern life makes a person broaden his horizons [hə'raɪz(ə)nz], use modern technologies and learn foreign ['fɔrɪn] languages ['læŋgwɪʤɪz] . To get knowledge people need education, they need to turn theory into practice. Nowadays good education means a good job. 
   I am leaving school soon and I'm thinking about possible careers and jobs. It's very difficult to choose your future career because there are many alternatives [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪvz] and you don't know where to start.
   Some pupils choose their future profession under the influence of their parents or friends. In my opinion, the final choice should depend on what you are interested in. For me, interesting and creative work is the most important thing. I want to enjoy my work. And at the same time I want to have a well-paid job. 
   I made my choice last year. I want to enter ... . (написать куда поступаете) I'm going to be a ... . или I'd like to be a ... . I have a dream to be a ... . (Кроме этого, добавить предложения из книги с новыми словами из Unit 2, Lesson 1!!!)
 To become a good specialist I should be devoted to my profession. I should be persistent ([pə'sɪst(ə)nt] настойчивый, упорный)  and hard-working.
In conclusion I should say that working hard is the best way throughwich people can be helpful and they can enjoy life.

make - здесь в значении заставлять
(Все материалы взяты из книги Your English Exam Support. Подготовка к экзамену по английскому языку. Сергиенко Н.А. Белый Ветер. 2016. С.37, 38)


Answer the questions


  1. Let's talk about choosing a career. What kind of job would you like to have in future?
  2. Does a person need to possess special qualities to become a good specialist in this or that particular field?
  3. What questions will you ask your future employer about your future job?
  4. Give me some advice on what I need to think about when choosing a job?
  5. Some people think that it is necessary to have computer skills to get a good job. Do you agree with this?