пятница, 23 декабря 2016 г.


Прочитайте текст, все незнакомые слова и выражения выпишите в словарь. Учите текст на память!!!


  Sport makes us strong. Sport helps us to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. For some people it's a lifestyle. 
  Many people do their morning exercises, jog in the morning, attend sport clubs. Physical education (PE) is a compulsory subject in our schools. We play basketball, football or table tennis. In winter we usually ski. 
  I can't imagine my life without sport. I play sport games with my friends and go to the swimming pool. I also like to watch the Olympic games. 
  In conclusion I'd like to say that healthy lifestyle is necessary.




    I would like to say that money plays an important role in our life. People use money every day for things they buy. People work for money, they go out to spend money. 
   Nowadays there are many ways of earning money. Children and students take up part-time jobs. They learn to appreciate their labor. 
   Of course, money gives us independence and a lot of opportunities for having fun. But people become money dependant. They want more and more things.
    As for me, I'm not a person of that kind. I agree that money can make our life more comfortable but it's not everything in this world.

вторник, 20 декабря 2016 г.



среда, 7 декабря 2016 г.


Lesson 1, Ex. 2 b
The Queen is Head of State of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth lands. She was born in 1926 and became Queen at the age of 25, and has reigned through more than 60 years of great social change and development. The Queen is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and has four children and eight grandchildren. Surprisingly, The Queen of England despite all her present majesty and glory, is not allowed to enter the House of Commons simply because she is not its member!
The official religion in Britain is Christianity as practised by the Anglican Church. Its followers are known as protestants. Until the 16th century Britain was a Roman Catholic Country. King Henry VIII, who ruled at that time, wanted to have a son, but his first wife gave birth only to daughters. He decided to divorce her, but the Vatican didn’t allow him to do it. So he decided to found his own church - Church of England or Anglican Church, which up till today is country’s major religion.
Eurotunnel is the company responsible for building the twin railway tunnels under the English Channel connecting Britain and France. The Channel Tunnel is often called by the British simply as Chunnel. Eurotunnel runs its own shuttle service that carries passengers and their vehicles. Trains run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.The shuttle has now been in operation for over 12 years and since its first commercial services 177 million people have travelled through the Channel Tunnel - that's 3 times the population of both France and England!
White buildings of whisky distilleries is a typical sight of the Scottish Highlands. The production of whisky started in 1494 and now there are over a hundred distilleries . No two whiskies can taste the same, and the taste can not be copied anywhere in the world, because the water is taken from local hills. And of course one can’t visit Scotland without trying to find Nessie at Loch Ness.

Wales is a small country with a colourful history and beautiful landscapes, including 3 National Parks. At only 170 miles from north to south and 60 miles east to west, it's no surprise that you're never far from a mountain or the sea. Welsh - the native language - is spoken by many people in Wales, and is one of the oldest languages in the world. Wales is also known as 'the land of castles', it is home to 641 famous fortresses - more castles per square mile than anywhere else in the world. Wales is also home to 6 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and although Cardiff, the capital city, dates back to Roman times, it's actually Britain's youngest city!


ACTIVE VOICE (Действительный залог)



V2(ed)/did ...VI
VI (-s he, she, it)/
do, does ... VI
(I, we) shall/will VI

+ I played. He wrote
? Did you play?
Did he write?
— I did not play,
He did not write.
+ I play. He plays.
? Do you play?
Does he play?
— I do not play.
He does not play.
+ He will play.
? Will he play?
— He will not play.

last week,
a year ago,
the other day,
just now
every day, usually,
always, often,
twice a week,
seldom, as a rule,
next year,
in 2 hours,
some day,
some of these days


was/were Ving
am/is/are Ving
shall/will be Ving

+ He was playing.
? Was he playing?
— He was not
+ He is playing.
? Is he playing?
— He is not playing.
+ He will be playing.
? Will he be playing?
— He will not be

at 5 o'clock yesterday
from 6 till 7,
the whole day yesterday,
all day long,

when he саme,
while he was Ving
at present moment,
at present,

at 5 o'clock,
from, till 7,
the whole day,
when he VI,
while he is Ving



had V3(ed)
have/(he, she, it)
has V3(ed)
shall/will have

+ He had written.
? Had he written?
— He had not
+ He has played.
He has written
? Has he played?
Has he written?
— He has not played.
He has not written.
+ He will have
? Will he have
- He will not have

by that time,
by 2 o'clock
yesterday, before he came,
already, just,
yet, ever,
never, lately,
recently, so far,
since, for, for ages,
today, always
by 2 o'clock,
before he comes

Perfect Continuous

had been Ving
have/has been Ving
shall/will have been
+ He had been
? Had he been
— He had not been
-f He has been
? Has he been
— He has not been
4- He will have been
? Will he have been
— He will not have
been writing.
for 2 hours,
when he came,
how long?
since when?
for 2 hours,
since 2
for a long time,
how long?
since when?
for 2 hours
when he comes,
how long?
since when?
all my life

понедельник, 5 декабря 2016 г.


Town And Country Air by Celia Berrell
It’s both town and country air
that we ultimately share.
So polluting one expect
to get a butterfly effect.
If the key to all our health
is to share in nature’s wealth
then we’d best invest a plan
to save our wildlife while we can.

воскресенье, 4 декабря 2016 г.


Прочитайте текст, составьте 5 вопросов. Будьте готовы передать краткое содержание текста
Lesson 7, Ex.3
"My name’s Leah and I’m sixteen. I want to become an environmentalist. I’m worried about some environmental issues. Water, for example, is a valuable natural resource. Current water shortages in the south-east of the country underline the fact that the UK, with its densely-settled population, has less water for each person than Spain and Portugal. We are facing shortage in some areas because demand has increased, while supply has not. The growth is the result of our higher standard of living, which has many watery links: personal health and hygiene, enjoyment of gardens and nicer cityscapes. We could be more efficient, of course.
Experts say that that to be kinder to the planet, it might help if we all reduce the amount of time we spend in the shower. Trying to do this has been pretty hard for me because I'm a fan of singing in the shower, even though it doesn't sound too good. But I've got a timer on my phone to remind me when I need to jump out.
 I’ve also persuaded Mum to wait till we get a full load for our washing machine and the dishwasher. My next step will be to persuade Dad to use buckets of water, not the hosepipe for washing the car. I’m afraid he’s not ready for that yet.
Now I fill a cup with water to clean my teeth. This was something I picked up from the questionnaire on saving water we did at school. If only I’d started much earlier. If I’d started a couple of years ago, I would’ve saved tons of water.
Fortunately, none of our taps are dripping and Mum always uses rainwater for watering the plants in the garden, so we’re not wasting too much water. 

I've found that I am thinking more about the decisions I make when it comes to washing vegetables or fruit. You’d say it’s just a drop in the ocean. I’d say it’s a small thing that can make a difference. It's also been great fun." 

суббота, 3 декабря 2016 г.


       Ecological problems
Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the sourse of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited.
But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.                                                                                                               
Among the most pressing problems are:
1) Global warning (глобальное потепление)
2) Greenhouse effect (парниковый эффект)
3) Littering, water and air pollution (industrial waste-промышленные отходы)
4) Destruction of natural resources
5) Deforestation
·        Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises have appeared all over the world. Their activity pollutes the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables.
·        Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with millions of tons of dust.
·        Many cities suffer from smog.
·        Vast forests are cut down and burned in fire. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
In 1986 Belorussian people faced the most horrible man made ecological disaster. About 18 per cent of the territory of Belarus was contaminated (были загрязнены). Today we have a great increase in children cancer and leukemia.
Judging from the statistics:
In Africa and Asia about 80% of all energy comes from wood. The burning the fossil fuels and wood leads to the Greenhouse Effect.
Now, some interesting facts:
1. In central London 40.000 cars every hour use the roads, causing pollution.
2. Growing coffee causes deforestation.
3. Every year around 2 million sea birds die after eating plastic bottles.
4. It costs around $150 million to clean gum off the UK streets. Chewing gum is illegal in Singapore.
Taking everything into consideration, our future looks very sad.
It’s time we asked ourselves a question:
-         “What can I do to protect  nature”?
There are four solutions to the environmental problems: FOUR Rs: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, RESPECT
Everyone can do a little to protect the environment:
a) Plant a tree in your yard.
b) Conserve energy.
c) Switch off lights when you leave a room.
d) Take a shower instead of a bath.
e) Prefer to walk, ride the bike.
f) Collect and use rainwater.
g) We should remove factories from cities.
t) Reduce , recycle our wastes.
We should realize that we are all responsible (ответственные) for our planet and we must think about future of the world we live in.


Перед выполнением упражнений ознакомьтесь с правилом


Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, сочетающая свойства глагола и существительного. Соответствующей формы в русском языке нет. По назначению к герундию близки такие русские отглагольные существительные как чтение, ожидание (reading, waiting) и т.п. К глагольным свойствам относится наличие форм залога и относительного времени (таких же, как и у причастия), возможность иметь дополнение и определяться наречием. Как и существительное, герундий может быть в предложении подлежащим, частью составного сказуемого, прямым и предложным дополнением, определением, обстоятельством. Ему могут предшествовать определители: местоимения и существительные в притяжательном падеже, предлоги, что не характерно для причастия.

Образование герундия
Герундий образуется с помощью окончания -ing, прибавляемого с соответствующими орфографическими изменениями к инфинитиву любого глагола:
to run - running
to live - living
Отрицательная форма герундия образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится перед формой герундия:
for coming in time - за то, что пришел вовремя
for not coming in time - за то, что не пришел вовремя
Герундий никогда не имеет артикля и формы множественного числа и этим он отличается от существительного. Различие между существительным с окончанием -ing и герундием заключается в том, что существительное с -ing обозначает предмет, а герундий передает процесс (-ание, -ение):
Finding a new method is the only way out. (герундий)
Нахождение (чего?) нового метода — единственный выход.

The findings were of great importance. (существительное)
Эти находки имели огромное значение.

Перевод герундия на русский язык
Поскольку формы герундия в русском языке нет, его значение может передаваться существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме и придаточным предложением:
Reading English books every day will improve your knowledge of the language.
Ежедневное чтение английских книг улучшит ваше знание языка.

Does your son like skating?
сын любит кататься на коньках?

Не left the room without saying good-bye or looking at us.
Oн вышел из комнаты, не простившись и не взглянув на нас.

I remember hearing this song in my childhood.
Я помню, что слышал эту песню в детстве.

The patient's quick recovery depends on his following the doctor's advice.
Быстрое выздоровление больного зависит от того, будет ли он следовать советам врача.

Singing is my favourite occupation.
Пение – это моё любимое занятие.
Глаголы: enjoy (любить), hate (ненавидеть), like (любить, нравиться), remember (помнить), mind (возражать), avoid (избегать)
I like singing.
Я люблю петь.
My task was looking after my granny.
Моей задачей было присматривать за бабушкой.
Предлоги: in, at, about, of, with
I’m proud of being a teacher.
Я горжусь тем, что являюсь учителем.

Обратите внимание:  to lie – lying            to die - dying

I. Образуй герундий.
1) – to invite- inviting        8) – to say-
2) – to see –                         9) – to live –
3) – to dance –                    10) – to cry –
4) - to dig –                          11) – to begin –
5) – to make –                      12) –to clean –
6) – to buy –                         13) – to get –
7) – to go –                            14) – to play
II. Переведи
1) Seeing a good film is a pleasure.
2) We began talking.
3) I used to getting up early.
4) After reading the text, we discussed it.
5) I like meeting lots of people.
6) I am thinking of becoming a famous person.